State of the Map 2018 si terrà dal 28 al 30 luglio 2018 a Milano, in Italia. Stiamo cercando di creare un programma insieme a voi, la comunità di OpenStreetMap. Hai tempo fino al 18 febbraio per proporre la tua idea per una presentazione orale e fino al 4 marzo per proporre un abstract per la sessione accademica, quindi non tardare!
Nel frattempo, ecco a grandi linee come sarà il programma:
Abbiamo pianificato di avere due sessioni dedicate alle presentazioni lungo i primi due giorni, con la possibilità di aggiungere tre sessoni di mezza giornata per le presentazioni accademiche.
Il Comitato Organizzatore di State of the Map.
De Donato | S.0.2 | S.1.5 |
9:00 | Registrazione / Caffè / Tè | ||
9:30 | Apertura | ||
10:00 |
Relazione invitata
OpenStreetMap—Now and into the Future
Kate Chapman, Heather Leson |
10:30 |
Can we validate every change on OSM?
Lukas Martinelli (Mapbox) |
Making Maps Without Database
Thomas Skowron |
11:00 | Break | ||
11:30 |
Interpreting Imagery for OpenStreetMap
Chad Blevins |
OpenMapTiles: Vector tiles from OpenStreetMap
Petr Pridal, Jiri Komarek (Klokan Technologies) |
Qt to create OSM-based apps
Paolo Angelelli (The Qt Company) |
12:00 |
Advertising mapping : using OpenStreepMap for the protection of landscape
Paul Desgranges (Grenoble (France) group of OSM contributors) |
Large Scale Deep Learning for Map Making
Alina Negreanu and Bogdan Gliga (Telenav) |
Field Mapping tools & technologies
Paul Uithol (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team) |
12:30 |
An excursion in to the world of OSM tagging presets
Simon Poole |
How Deep Learning could help to improve OSM Data Quality ?
Olivier Courtin (DataPink) |
13:00 | Pranzo | ||
14:00 | Photo | ||
14:10 |
Addressing addresses
Sarah Hoffmann |
The Belgian perspective to building OpenStreetMap community
Ben Abelshausen, Joost Schouppe (OpenStreetMap Belgium) |
Lightning Talks 1 |
14:40 |
2, 4, 6, 8, Here's How We Interpolate
Julian Simioni ( |
A new approach to garner prolific contribution in OpenStreetMap
Kshitiz Khanal (Kathmandu Living Labs,) |
The LWG Presents: GDPR Implementation for OSM
Kathleen Lu (Legal/Licensing Working Group) |
15:10 |
OsmAnd making live maps update
Victor Shcherb (OsmAnd) |
Building up the Microsoft Open Maps Team
Oisin Herriott (Microsoft) |
15:40 | Break | ||
16:10 |
Lies, damned lies, and OSM statistics
Frederik Ramm |
Verifying Our Edits
Bogdan Petrea and Armin Gheorghina (Telenav) |
Corporate Cartography: How the sausage gets made
Paul Norman |
16:40 |
An innovative approach to support OSM data generation
Emanuela Mihut (Phd Student (West University of Timisoara, Romania)) |
Mapping Competition with Focus on Quality: Lesson Learned
Yantisa Akhadi (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team) |
Open Gender Monologues
Heather Leson |
17:10 |
Pinpointing the power grid
Sajjad Anwar (Development Seed) |
Improving OSMCha for the community
Wille Marcel Lima Malheiro |
17:40 | Get involved in the OpenStreetMap Foundation until 18:30 Gregory Marler and the OSMF Working Groups |
19:30 | Evento sociale all'Old Fashion Milano |