A tale of two (mapping) cities

Sunday 16:00, De Donato

Alsino Skowronnek, Michele Ferretti 30 minutes


Looking back only a few years, it is amazing to witness the astonishing expansion of the global »geo-community«. Nowhere else has there been such an abundance of open source learning and teaching resources which have lowered the entry-barrier to the world of technology. The global Maptime movement has certainly played a fundamental role in this regard, with its contagious spirit of inclusion, a special dedication to beginners' involvement, and of course: rainbows. However, building lasting communities is far from a trivial task. While the spreading of Maptime chapters across the world is a testament to the value of openness and inclusiveness in creating educational curricula, organisers face regular challenges that greatly vary across geographies. Rather than being a celebration of the goals achieved so far, this talk will reflect on the challenges and lessons learned on the road to building open and inclusive (geo)communities in Milan, Italy and Berlin, Germany. Beginners very welcome!