Building your OSM web app in minutes with vector tiles

Monday 10:00, S.1.5 no recording This event will not be recorded.

Lukas Martinelli and Jinal Foflia 60 minutes


Ever had an idea to create your own map style based on OpenStreetmap data or make your own mobile friendly mapping tool? The OSM community has built amazing tools that let the community use the map data in interesting ways, but it is still only a small portion of what is possible with this amazing data. Recent developments like vector tiles and GL have fundamentally changed how OpenStreetMap can can be consumed by the end user and also how products using this data are developed.

In this hands on workshop, get acquainted with whats possible when you have access to OSM vector tiles and GL. We will learn how to use OSM data with other open data to create custom map styles and have a simple interactive field mapping app running live with no previous technical experience using the free APIs from Mapbox. Use this as a start to dive deeper into web cartography or map development to extend the possibilities of the OpenStreetmap project.