Historical OpenStreetMap data provides great insight into the evolution of the map making process of OSM’s contributors. It is for example of crucial importance when assessing OSM data quality in an intrinsic manner (i.e. without comparing it to external datasets). Working with the raw OSM full history data is, however, a complex and computationally intensive task.
The data analysis platform "ohsome.org", with its central database component "oshdb", makes it possible to access and analyze the OSM history data in a way that is both easy to work with and at the same time scalable to large areas of interest (up to the full planet) by using a parallelizable map-reduce based approach. Possible applications of the ohsome data analysis platform range from web dashbards over data quality assessment to custom data analysis.
This workshop presents the fundamental concepts behind the "ohsome" data analysis platform, and gives hands-on examples of how to use it to implement your own custom OSM-history-data analysis visualizations.