The use of OSM in public transport in Helsinki Finland

Sunday 11:30, S.0.2

Markku Huotari 30 minutes

Helsinki Region Transport (HSL)

Helsinki Regional Transport Authority HSL has renewed its map production and OSM has been the base for all new printed and digital maps since early 2015. Some of the products are bilingual, and some are used nationwide in collaboration with national authorities and other cities. Walking and cycling paths are in focus, and public transport stops link OSM to the schedules.

We show what we've done so far regarding community building, map data editing, imports, map styling, traditional route maps, bus stop poster maps, journey planner and Android/iPhone app. Plans for the future include more map products and more OSM validation processes. We share our experiences introducing OSM as the authority's official map.

Tools we use and have contributed to include Mapbox GL, OpenMapTiles, OpenTripPlanner, Pelias, TileLive and TileReduce. Software we develop as open source in the HSLdevcom Github account include hsl-map-style, digitransit-ui and hsl-map-generator. We provide open data and open APIs at including vector tiles, static schedules and real time vehicle locations.