Turkey hosts more than 3.7M refugees with 94% outside of camps with limited access to services. There is a tremendous need for common open data sets to address the information gaps between refugees and actors, and to expand the protection space available to vulnerable populations. “Bridging Istanbul’s Needs and Assessments” (BINA) Project, supported by HOT, pursues an innovative approach, creating up-to-date, and context relevant crowdsourced maps, uses tools conforming to the needs of refugees through direct engagement and training as part of a voluntary and participatory mapping process. Collected data sets identify physical infrastructure, current conditions, and needs, resulting in quality, actionable data freely available to local agencies working in livelihoods, child protection, health, education, shelter etc. We will talk about how we are using OSM to assist the communities, and you will listen to the story of an urban refugee in Istanbul, on HOT’s field efforts.